Jeanne is a 34-year-old woman who works at the center as a sewing instructor. She has 4 children and lives with her second husband but she entered this union already having two children. When her current husband lost his job, things got tough and he threatened to send the 2 children that Jeanne had with the first husband back to their father who is in the DRC but no one knows where exactly.
Before being part of the project, in the morning Jeanne’s children looked her in the eyes before going to school because in the evening they had not eaten enough but she told them to still go to school despite empty stomach. And at noon, it was the same. They didn’t have enough to eat. And they always came home with bad grades in school.
But since the children joined this feeding program, there has been a change in her family and the children are more diligent in school. The one who had obtained 25% at school had this term more than 45%. The other had 50% and now he has 64%. For Jeanne, it’s a big difference because now he is more concentrated in class.
And in all of family life, now they have something to eat in the evening and she keeps some on hand to warm up in the early morning and so they go to school with something in their bellies in the morning.
“My husband really enjoys this meal plan. Before, he had expressed some doubts about my commitment and the participation of the children here at the center because we spend a lot of time here but when he saw the progress of the children at school, he was the first to wake them up and supports a lot. He even takes care to accompany them here to the center when they are late,” says Jeanne.
Jeanne greatly appreciates the existence of this project. “For me, it was a great relief because even on a family level, it helps me a lot,” concluded Jeanne.