Mulindwa Rubuga Marc

Artistic Director

Born in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Mulindwa Rubuga Marc has been passionate about the art of dance since a young age, influenced by his uncles. In 2010, he joined the traditional dance group Vira, MAKINAKALANZI, where he practiced traditional dances from the Eastern DRC, Rwanda, and Burundi, blending them with his love for Rock inspired by Michael Jackson.

In 2014, he ventured into urban dance, adopting Krump as his style and identity as a dancer in the region. Winning several Krump battles, he formed his first group at the age of 18. Moving to Bujumbura in 2018, he continued his dance career. His choreographic debut, ‘KITI,’ showcased twice at the Buja Sans Tabou festival, marked his first success with his company IWACU DANCE Cie, which he co-founded with fellow dancers.

Later, he collaborated with the Slameuse Gioia Kayaga “Joy Slam,” creating RUDIYA in 2022 and touring the Great Lakes region (Rwanda, Burundi, and DRC). In 2023, he won the Choreographic Prize of the Great Lakes with his piece “NDI…,” co-choreographed and performed with actress and director Lyca Linca Mugisha. He also choreographed “LA RUE OFFICIELLE,” a dance piece performed by children and youth from the Nanje Nobaho Vocational Arts Training Centre of Springs Communities organization. Additionally, he choreographed “Ashura,” a work-in-progress creation for young audiences.

Representing Burundi, Marc participated in the Europe-Africa Biennial in Montpellier, France, in 2023. Trained at the National Theatre of the DRC (National Ballet of Kinshasa) and the Ecole des Sables in Senegal, Mulindwa is currently a dancer, choreographer, performer, professional trainer, and co-founder of the Par La Danse Burundi collective. He is also the founder of the IHURIRO Dance Festival.

Since 2022, Marc has been working as an Artistic Director, trainer, and choreographer with Spring Communities.