Mobile Barbershop

Since May 30, 2018, Burundi has implemented a Hygiene Law Code aimed at strict compliance with hygiene measures, especially personal hygiene. Beyond that, the code shows the importance of hygiene for everyone regardless of their social status, living conditions, age, etc. Nevertheless, experience shows how the most vulnerable, particularly children and people living with disabilities are the first victims of a lack of personal hygiene. These people experience a lack of self-esteem and complete well-being.

Human development indicators reflect the great poverty in which the majority of the Burundian population lives. The figures are alarming: according to the World Bank, mortality among children under five reached 108 per thousand in 2011, 84% of which are due to poor conditions of access to water, hygiene and sanitation.

Human development indicators reflect the great poverty in which the majority of the Burundian population lives. The figures are alarming: according to the World Bank, mortality among children under five reached 108 per thousand in 2011, 84% of which are due to poor conditions of access to water, hygiene and sanitation.

This is why Spring Communities has implemented an approach: “Mobile Barbershop” to provide access to personal hygiene and psychosocial assistance for vulnerable people in general and children in particular, vulnerable communities or those with special needs and people in emergency situations. As a result, more than 250 children and young people benefit from this approach every month in different areas of Burundi.

Objectives of this approach


-Enable the preservation of health and the development of the positive self-image of our beneficiaries


Ensure the physical, moral and mental well-being of children, young people and vulnerable adults but also of people in emergency situations.


Help build their self-esteem and self-confidence


Prevent the spread of infectious diseases and enable children to live healthy lives


Excellent personal hygiene that makes the child a model

Principales activités

Awareness sessions on personal hygiene and hygiene rules via our image boxes and our hygiene training modules allowing participants to understand.

Psychosocial assistance sessions with individual and/or group therapies using approaches adapted to vulnerable communities for their enhancement, their moral and emotional development as well as their development of self-esteem and self-confidence.

Distribution of hygiene kits to give them the opportunity to have the first ones.

Styling and cutting the nails, washing the hands and feet of the beneficiaries to grant them access to these services which can serve as a good start for the continuation of these good practices.

With the Mobile Barbershop approach, children and young people are made aware and trained on the importance, practices and hygiene rules. Children and young people are psychologically supported, have developed their self-esteem and self-confidence and are valued and fulfilled in their daily lives.