Ku Gicaniro

Youth skills and employment are fundamental elements of the Post-2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the 17 Sustainable Development Goals. One of the targets of Objectives 4 and 8 aims to significantly increase, by 2030, the number of young people with the skills, particularly technical and professional, necessary for employment and obtaining decent work. for everyone.

But it appears that material worries and growing anxiety following unemployment haunt young people and this often exposes them to drugs, despair, the use of force (banditry), violence, addictions, vulnerability. face manipulation of all kinds and indulge in all kinds of illegal options, but which in the future are fraught with consequences harmful to their future.

But it appears that material worries and growing anxiety following unemployment haunt young people and this often exposes them to drugs, despair, the use of force (banditry), violence, addictions, vulnerability. face manipulation of all kinds and indulge in all kinds of illegal options, but which in the future are fraught with consequences harmful to their future.

With that being said, Spring Communities created the KU GICANIRO approach as a mentoring/coaching tool for mentality change; capacity building, learning and support for entrepreneurship with a view to the socio-professional integration of young graduates as well as those with a low level of education or not from rural and urban areas.

Ku Gicaniro Approach: Debate, exchange & capacity building

Ku Gicaniro: it is an approach by which it was implemented within a framework of aspiration, motivation, exchange of experience and professional career between young people (graduates and academics) and professionals and aimed at to discover professions that provide employment, careers, passion, talents.

The objective of the approach is to:

  • Encourage, supervise, guide and teach young people in order to help them discover, develop and enhance their talents and skills,
  • Strengthen the capacities of young people with a view to their professional integration and their adaptation to the labor market.
  • Help young people to be able to set personal goals and create their own jobs and a future for those around them.

Main activities

Exchange on experience and professional career between young people (graduates and university students) and professionals

Youth debate: For the formation of opinion, language teaching, personal development: debate competitions between young pupils and students from different establishments and universities in order to use their thinking skills, to form opinions, skillfully present their opinions, respect the points of view of others, make well-founded decisions, assume responsibilities and convince as a personality

Training in the technique of writing a bankable business plan

Training and capacity building in different job-creating professions

Establishment of frameworks for exploiting academic and professional opportunities for young people: internship opportunities and academic scholarships.

Support for self-employment in micro, small and medium-sized businesses, as well as labor-intensive activities

Promotion of young cooperation frameworks – economic operators and other investors

Implementation of innovative initiatives and creativity of young people aimed at promoting their talents and know-how through the recovery of the informal sector

Exploitation of ICT for better socio-economic integration of young people

Organization of competitions / competitions of innovative ideas to identify new focuses, the development and exploitation of talents among young people.