Hub d’Inspiration

The Hub d’Inspiration (HI) is a learning space that helps young people discover themselves and acquire life skills for proper guidance so they can make a positive impact on the community. The HI assists in improving learning outcomes, reducing repetition rates and dropout rates, while enabling learners to aspire to skills and life experiences beyond the school environment. The HI is a learning environment based on 4 key principles:


The HI ensures that young people are aware of the social and economic context in which they operate, so that they can identify challenges and opportunities, and find their own solutions to become self-reliant.;


The HI is a protective environment which must develop skills allowing them to better protect themselves and other young people; should have the opportunity to achieve a sufficient level of socio-economic stability;


HI uses a participatory method for all: young people must be supported to develop their abilities to express themselves, defend their opinions, participate in decisions that concern them and be taken into account;

Skills development

HI strengthens the technical skills of young people: They must have the opportunity to acquire the necessary technical and life skills.