Comic Book

The main objective of this educational tool is to raise awareness and sensitize young people in schools (fundamental and post-fundamental level) for reduction in cases of school dropouts and repetition massive. It is subdivided into two main parts:

“AGATEKA KA KARIRE (the rights of KARIRE)” with as main themes: Parental neglect, family violence, community engagement of young people, the role of local administration in the management cases of violation of children’s rights.

“UBUGIRIGIRI BUGIRA BABIRI (Unity is strength)” with the main themes: Operation and sexual abuse, unwanted pregnancies, commitment associative, the role of teachers in the Education of all young.

“UBUGIRIGIRI BUGIRA BABIRI (Unity is strength)” with the main themes: Operation and sexual abuse, unwanted pregnancies, commitment associative, the role of teachers in the Education of all young.

Our tool is now used in 6 public schools pilots of two provinces:

Bujumbura Mairie

  • Cibitoke Municipal High School
  • High School Municipal Kamenge
  • Holy Family High School of Kinama


  • Migera Communal High School
  • High School Kabezi Communal
  • ECOFO Nyamugari

We chose these schools by identifying those that do not have partners who can put in place spaces for learning and development youth. This tool will be used in our structure called Hub of Inspiration (H.I) being a space that allows young people to discover themselves, to acquire life skills for good life orientation so that they can impact the community.

Our educational tool reinforces tools existing educational methods in schools. It will allow young people to have critical analysis skills, of research and consciousness beyond the subjects seen in class. It will also allow young people to address contextualized themes and provide interactive solutions through the implementation of different community activities (in class, at school and/or in the community)

Young people, supervisors and schools are first key partners who will make it possible to achieve the intended purpose of our educational tool with our target group. Youth community initiatives members of the H.I are facilitated by all the other existing actors in the locality (local administration, community-based organizations, other young people from the community and all other partners development).